Fee Structure

Our goal is to provide you with the most cost-effective solutions while minimizing conflicts of interest. We disclose and discuss all fees and expenses and any conflicts of interest before any decisions are made. By offering strategies for a fee or a commission, we have the flexibility to choose the approach that is in your best interest.
For the development of your initial Wealth Management Plan, we charge a one-time fee that varies depending on complexity. We will provide you with the exact fee and an agreement detailing the scope of the plan before any work is done. We view investment management and wealth management as inseparable. Assuming you implement the recommendations in the plan with us, your only ongoing fee is our investment management fee. We do not charge annual retainers to continually monitor and update your plan just as we will not manage investments without a plan.    
Before investing, we’ll provide you a detailed analysis of fees and expenses associated with the recommended investment solutions. The analysis will include the complete cost of investing, as well as our compensation. We may also receive compensation from any insurance solutions implemented through our firm. Regardless of the service or product, we always disclose any and all conflicts of interest and hidden costs enabling you to make an informed decision.