Retirement Plans, Foundations, and Endowments

Many of the services we provide to affluent individuals and families are directly applicable to our institutional relationships with foundations, endowments, 401(k) plans, and other corporate retirement plans.

Retirement Plans 

Most retirement plans change providers not because of investment performance, lack of fiduciary consulting, or poor administrative assistance, but because the business owner and employees rarely see or hear from their advisor and when they do, the meetings are poorly run and unproductive. We'll give you the attention you deserve - the same attention you give to your best customers and clients. And we believe your employees deserve the same attention that we give to you. We’ll work with you closely at the onset to design a plan that meets your goals and objectives. From there, we will meet proactively to (1) coordinate administrative and compliance responsibilities, (2) review the plan and investments, and (3) meet with and educate employees.

Our educational approach will give plan participants the confidence to save appropriately for retirement, invest based on their goals and risk tolerance (no more 100% in emerging markets), and stay the course during market downturns. Education leads to better investors, and better investors reap more benefits from a retirement plan. We offer in-person participant education and one-on-one meetings, and we are always a phone call away to offer advice. We also provide model portfolios so that employees can choose to get the benefit of a professionally managed portfolio within their 401(k).

We’ll work with you to reduce your fiduciary liability. We’ve always been ahead of the curve on fee disclosure and we will show you the complete cost of investing – something you probably haven’t seen from other advisors. Together, we’ll craft a customized Investment Policy Statement (IPS), a fiduciary requirement for retirement plans.

A retirement plan should be a valuable benefit that you provide for your employees, not a source of headache and confusion. Our approach will simplify your life and allow you to focus on why you’re in business.

Foundations and Endowments

As a charitable organization, you answer to many masters. You have to weigh your current year’s income needs with your spending policy, balance your portfolio for growth to ensure your organization’s future, and make prudent decisions as a fiduciary, all under the spotlight of your community and donors.

Whether your goals call for an aggressive or conservative asset allocation, our focus on risk management and our philosophy of "First, do no harm" lets you be confident that your investment portfolio is being managed cautiously. While nobody expects you to be an investment expert, your stakeholders do expect you to hire one, and to make informed and prudent decisions. Our investment expertise and focus on education will help you, your board, and your donors understand the why’s and how’s of your portfolio.

Our academic, institutional approach to investment management is naturally appealing to foundations and endowments. We will work together to tailor an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that addresses your goals and constraints. We focus on creating a globally diversified core portfolio using low-cost investment vehicles. The Harvard and Yale Endowments have used alternative investments for years to dampen risk and improve returns. We have experience and expertise in analyzing alternative investments to further diversify your portfolio.

Our disciplined approach and commitment to service will let you focus on your organization’s mission instead of its investment portfolio.